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Writer's pictureEmanuela Visone

Coronavirus: Germs Cannot Insist if the Body Can Resist!

The Coronavirus is the new expected pandemic. There is so much fear that the Coronavirus is going to spread and kill tens of thousands of people. This is the time when I receive calls from many of you asking about what to do to strengthen your immune system naturally. Before giving a list of foods that can keep your immune system strong, it’s important to address the concept of the “Germ Theory” and its validity or lack of same.

The Germ Theory

The Germ Theory is a concept claiming that disease is primarily caused by “germs” (bacteria, viruses, fungus, parasites, etc.). This theory suggests that we are not responsible for disease, for there is little anyone can do to prevent germ invasion. This theory is an accepted theory of modern medicine.

Louis Pasteur was one of the main instigators of the germ theory. Until the end of his life, he believed that disease is caused by an outside enemy which attacks our bodies. If that enemy, sometimes called germs, bacteria, parasites, or virus, finds entry into our bodies, we then become victims, acquire a disease, suffer, and perhaps are even killed by these microscopic entities.

And, there is evidence to support this germ theory; enough evidence to convince many intelligent people. We are all aware that if we travel to a foreign country we take a chance of getting “Montezuma’s Revenge!” Also most people fear getting the flu right around Christmas, and most people have taken antibiotics because somewhere along the line they have “picked up” a bacterial infection. It’s been hammered into us through all sorts of advertisements, doctors, and teachers, that we need vaccines to ward off the evil attacks made by all these “germs”.

Do note that not everyone exposed to harmful viruses has come down with sickness, the threat of loss of life or death. Upon testing, some simply show that they experienced exposure but didn’t get any other kind of symptoms. Why? Could it be that their immune systems were stronger? And if so, what can you do to increase your potential resistance to germs?

Our experiences have given credibility to the “Germ Theory”, and in the minds of many, is all the evidence needed to believe in this theory. As will be shown in this article, with very few exceptions, we do not “get” these bugs, germs, or whatever you want to call them, and assure ourselves of dire consequences, unless we have first abused our bodies in some unnatural way, which not only weakens, but pollutes our bodies. Usually, only after we have chemically changed our internal environment (chemistry of blood, lymph, cells, and other fluids), from healthy to unhealthy, are we susceptible to successful attacks from germs. It is important to understand that, as with every other species of life on our planet, our survival depends upon creating and living in a specific environment. In short, germs have difficulty creating disease in a pure, healthy body and can far more easily create disease in a polluted body.

In our modern lifestyle, we attack our own bodies principally by eating the wrong foods and generating stressful emotions, both of which alter our internal environment. We eat unnatural, highly processed foods, we ingest unnatural chemicals in foods, water, and air and through stress and negative emotions, we acidify, deplete, and pollute our bodies with acids, mucus, and toxins. These acts cause mineral deficiencies, changes in pH balance, production of mucus and other conditions of congestion, hormonal imbalances and may trigger hereditary weaknesses.

Because of the changes in our internal environment, previously harmless germs can gain the power to become harmful bacteria, viruses, and fungus. Most of these life forms can be seen under a microscope, it is like looking into a warm summer pond and seeing mosquito larvae and other bugs growing and darting about.

The entry of an outside entity (bacteria, virus, parasite) usually has little effect upon our bodies unless our internal environment has become acidic and polluted. It is when our cells and organs have become overburdened with excess toxins, our storehouse of vitamins and minerals depleted, our pH out of balance, and our immune system weakened, then germs can be activated and can cause serious illness.

Germs can’t insist, if the cells can resist

The strategy for avoiding infectious and degenerative diseases is not to kill off all germs. The best course is to make sure our cells are healthy enough to keep our vitality at its peak. How vital are your cells? How “alive” are you? Your health, vitality, and resistance to germs is determined by the health of your cells.

Every system of the body is made up of individual cells. Any time a cell does not perform to the benefit of the greater whole, the vitality of the system decreases. If a system can’t function up to par, the body suffers. When the vitality of the body drops, resistance drops. The body as a whole is then susceptible to invasion and potential domination by germs.

When the germs find a congenial host, they begin to multiply and sometimes mutate. Germs don’t have the ability to dictate their actions or create their environment. They can survive only in an environment that is hospitable (inviting) to them.

What, then, determines the health of your cells? Lifestyle is the primary determinant of your health: what you eat, how rough you are on your body, how well you rest, and what sort of attitude you have.

A physiological response occurs every time any of your five senses is stimulated by food, activities, impressions, environment, attitudes, memories, anger and frustrations. And your cells are affected by every physiological response. When the vitality of your cells is reduced, the vitality of your whole body suffers and your resistance to germs and their potential disease(s) are decreased. Consider, that we live or die at the cellular level.

What can we do to keep our vitality and resistance strong:

Realize that pathogenic germs can only function in specific environments. Therefore, change your internal environment through changing your diet and using natural supplements that not only cleanse, but strengthen your body organs and immune system.

Changing Your Diet: What’s an ideal diet (my opinion)?

When you think of an ideal diet that will keep your body’s defenses strong, think in terms of alkaline and acid foods. An ideal diet should consist of: 80% alkaline foods and 20% acid foods.

Alkaline foods:

Raw fruits, dried fruits, raw vegetables, frozen fruits/vegetables, sea vegetaqbles, algae, lightly steamed fruits and vegetables and sprouted almonds.

Acid foods:

Raw sprouted nuts (except almonds), raw sprouted seeds (sesame, pumpkin, squash, sunflower), some raw fruits and vegetables (cranberries, blueberries, plums, prunes, squash), whole grains (organic brown basmati rice, qinuoa and sprouted breads), overcooked fruits/vegetables, dairy products (cheese, eggs, milk), sugar and refined grains, white meats (sea foods, fowl), pastries, red meats, some herbs, spices, condiments, spicy foods (garlic, hot peppers, onions), coffee and tea (only based foods teas), salt, alcohol and tobacco.

Now chose your 20% acid foods (chose healthy acidic foods only that I highlighted in bold)..........and try to make sure the other 80% are organically grown raw fruits and vegetables.

Natural supplements:

Keep your first line of defense strong - The Small Intestine:

Henry Bieler, M.D., believes that the small intestine serves as the first line of the body’s defense against germs, harmful foods and toxins. Therefore, you need to strengthen your digestive processes to assure clean blood, a good supply of oxygen and nutrients, and good elimination. You may have heard the phrase, “If the gut is not healthy, neither is the rest of the body.” Fully half of the six stages of nutrition occur in the digestive tract: digestion, absorption, and elimination. If this critical system isn’t working properly, even the best nutrients will do you little good.

The following digestive aids are recommended to keep your immune system strong (50 percent of the lymph tissue in the body and 80 percent of all our protective antibodies are produced in the GI tract):

• Enzymes: Unless you are going to eat a 100% raw food diet, you need to supplement with plant-based enzymes any time you eat foods that are cooked or processed (packaged). Supplementing with digestive enzymes helps break down the food you consume into basic components so that the body can absorb the nutrients required to build healthy cells, tissues, and organs (chose digestive enzymes that are micro blended with a mineral rich food for best effectiveness).

• Probiotics: You must ensure adequate intake of friendly bacteria on a daily basis to help remove pathogenic bacteria and improve the digestive processes. Probiotics produce natural antibiotics. For example, the acidophilus strain known as DDS-1, produces the powerful antibiotic acidophilin. Among the more obvious general benefits derived from this natural antibiotic production is the direct destruction or inhibition of disease-causing germs or the cessation of their toxin production inside our bodies. Some of the germs that can be neutralized by friendly bacteria are: Cholera, E. Coli strain, shigella, candida, and salmonella. Supplementation of friendly bacteria can indeed offer our GI tracts enormous protection from infection as well as aid in ridding the body of pathogenic organisms.

• Raw organic coconut oil: One of the most amazing aspects of coconut oil is its ability to fight harmful germs. When raw coconut oil is consumed, the body transforms its unique fatty acids into powerful anti microbial powerhouses capable of defeating most harmful microorganisms. Even the super germs are vulnerable to these lifesaving coconut derivatives. Coconut oil is, in essence, a natural and powerful antibacterial, anti viral and anti fungal food.

Keep your second line of defense strong - The Liver:

The liver is the body’s master chemist, also the fuel storage, house keeper, and poison control center. According to Henry Bieler, M.D., the liver stores the most important alkaline element; sodium, and as a result, he calls the liver the body’s second line of defense.

Sodium is derived from the sodium compounds in the diet. The richest source is in the vegetable kingdom. If you eat enough raw vegetables every day, you have enough organic sodium in the liver to neutralize acids. Why is this important? Toxins and other harmful substances are neutralized by the liver and eliminated by the excretory secretions of the liver. The primary secretion is called bile. The liver is not capable of neutralizing these toxic substances if it doesn’t have enough alkalinity (minerals, mainly sodium).

The liver “is the body’s principal organ of detoxification; the chemical wizard which performs its chemical magic with quiet efficiency; the strainer through which is poured all that finds its way into the body before it enters the general circulation. As long as the liver function is intact, the blood stream remains pure. When it becomes impaired, the toxins enter into circulation and cause irritation, growing destruction and eventually death.” It is when the liver becomes impaired that germs find toxins to feed on and multiply throughout our bodies to cause havoc.

The following whole food supplements are recommended to keep your liver detoxification system strong:

• Wild Organic Micro Algae: This is a food supplement that is brimming with vital nutrients, and contains all essential amino acids. It’s protein content is more than any other plant source-a whopping 70 percent. A 1986 study by Troxler and Saffer concluded that wild micro algae has cytostatic activity, which means it suppresses the formation of and destroys cancer cells. Another study carried out at the Royal Victoria Hospital in Montreal, Canada in 1998, concluded that within two hours after eating 1.5 grams of wild micro algae, an average of 40% of the bloods’ natural killer cells left the bloodstream and migrated into the tissues. Natural killer cells have the ability to recognize cells that are cancerous and foreign or that have been infected by a virus. The strategy used by natural killer cells is a drastic one-they directly approach cancerous or virally-infected cells and release strong free radicals in their immediate environment. The free radicals create a hole in the cell, and the cell then dies. The dead cell is later eaten by another kind of immune cell-the macrophages-the scavengers of the body.

But, what really is remarkable about wild micro algae is it’s minerals content. Ounce for ounce, wild micro algae is higher in minerals content than any other class of foods. Sodium, boron, chromium, zinc, copper, name it, is in wild micro algae. All the minerals in wild micro algae are held tightly and deeply within the very core of hundreds of transformative enzyme systems. Minerals in wild micro algae are naturally-chelated and are directly assimilated and more easily put to work within our own similar, but vastly more complex system of enzymes. As a result, each of our cells function more smoothly, especially the cells in our largest detoxifying organ, the liver.

• Wheat grass: A good source of amino acids, vitamins, and minerals. It can nourish the blood and aid the liver in detoxification.

• Turmeric: Helps tone the liver and is known as a liver regenerator.

• Coenzyme Q10: To supply oxygen to the liver. A potent liver protector. Look for Q10 micro blended with organic olive and coconut oils.

• Wheat Sprouts: To promote liver cell regeneration. Use wheat sprouts micro-blended with micro algae and red marine algae.

• Beta Glucan: It is an all natural, food-based dietary supplement purified from the cell wall of baker’s yeastl and mushrooms. For optimum activation of the immune response, many research studies show that the best results come from beta glucan extracted from baker’s yeast and mushrooms. “800 scientific studies in animals and humans originating from prestigious institutions such as Harvard Medical School....confirm that....beta glucan from produces antibacterial properties, anti-tumor effects, and strengthen the overall immune response.” (Health News, Volume 11, Number 10, pg. 4)


The “Germ Theory” concept is based on economic principles that enrich the physicians promoting the germ theory, but not with logical hard, solid, scientific facts. Yet the entire medical system is based upon this hypothesis, and therefore, it attacks the wrong cause, the wrong enemy, and consequently, it consistently loses battle after battle.

By understanding the “Toxicity Theory”, we as individuals can start taking responsibility of our own health. We can improve our diets, eliminate acid-forming, highly processed foods, stay away from chemical additives in foods and water and get plenty of exercise. We can clean our bodies through the use of intestinal cleansing supplements and support our liver to do its optimal detoxification job. We should strive towards a strong digestive and elimination system. We can add to our diet strong, whole food supplements to assure that our bodies are getting all the minerals and vitamins it needs on a daily basis. We can reduce all negative emotions and stress and strive to give and obtain unconditional love for everyone and everything.

When we practice prevention and healthy lifestyles, germs cannot insist because our bodies can resist!


Anderson, Richard. Un-creating Disease.

Abrams, Karl. Algae to the Rescue!

Bieler, Henry. Food Is Your Best Medicine.

Chaitow, Leon. Probiotics.

Fife, Bruce. The Healing Miracles of Coconut Oil.

Jensen, Gitte, “Consumption of AFA has rapid effects on the circulation of and function of immune cells in humans.” JANA,January 2000, Vol. 2, No.3.

Morter, Ted. Your Health, Your Choice.

"Germs do not cause disease! Nature never surrounded her children with enemies. It is the individual himself who makes disease possible in his own body because of poor living habits...Do mosquitoes make the water stagnant; or does stagnant water attract the mosquitoes? We should all be taught that germs are friends and scavengers attracted by disease, rather than enemies causing disease...As their internal environment is, so will be the attraction for any specific micro-organism...”Dr. Robert R. Gross

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