We all know the merits and far-reaching benefits of investing time and energy into caring for ourselves. Self-care helps us:

Remember who we are/connect to ourselves
Boost our immunity
Feel happier
Be more productive
Cultivate self-compassion
Take better care of others
Relieve stress
Reflect and regroup
Feel more energetic
Improve overall well-being
All amazing things, right? And bonus: mindfulness experts have suggested that even 10 minutes of self-care a day can make an impact. So why, then, do so many of us struggle to do it? According to Psychology Today, time is part of it. But self-compassion (or should we say, lack of it) is actually the major culprit.
Many people consider self-care to be an indulgence (think of the oft-used phrase “indulging in self-care”), an act of selfishness—narcissistic even. In truth, we don’t consider ourselves worthy of the time or effort. But the beaten-to-death airplane mask analogy is a cold, hard truth. We cannot care well for anyone in our lives if we don’t first tend to ourselves.
We must show ourselves the same level of love, acceptance, kindness, and compassion we would show a loved one. Giving ourselves some TLC doesn’t have to be hard, expensive, or time-consuming!
For other helpful self-care resources, check out these blogs (coming soon!):
• 60 Healthy Self-Care Ideas • 13 Self-Care Habits You Can Do in 10 Minutes or Less • Our Top 10 Self-Care Products • How to Cultivate Self-Compassion and Empathy • How to Master the Art of Forgiveness • Why Self-Pleasure is a Critical Form of Self-Care • 7 Types of Self-Care to Know